Einscan SE
A powerful companion for educators and individuals

Easiest 3D scanning experience for non-technical users
Multi-functional desktop 3D scanner with excellent scanning quality
Easy to operate and great price-to-performance ratio
Easy Operation, User friendliness, Faster Scanning and Enhanced Efficiency
Einscan SP
The expert choice with enhanced experience

Faster scanning speed and higher accuracy
Make high resolution scanning available to everyone
Meet all your professional demands of design, reverse engineering and digital industrial applications
Serious accuracy proven process
Automatic Software

- Automatic calibration with no rigid set-up required
- One-click scanning
- Auto alignment and fusion for direct mesh generation
- Multiple ways of alignment available in EinScan-SP: markers, turntable markers, feature and manual alignments
- EinScan-SP provides a higher accuracy of 0.05mm for a single scan.