Today’s New Product Design and Development Scenario
The world is changing. The marketplace is demanding shorter and shorter product development cycle and project team members can be located across the globe, not just across the hall. To meet these challenges, many designers are modeling products using concurrent engineering and web based collaborative tools, rather than just modeling single parts. These individuals often design their parts within the context of an assembly structure; designing with the end product in mind; increasing productivity and saving time and money
3D Model is not just a tool for engineers, but for the Enterprise to improve Engineering
The Need
Today’s liberal economy and the competitive environment in India has pushed industrialists to use CAD/CAM/CAE tools for their survival. This has created the need for knowledgeable persons in this field who can effectively utilize the CAD/CAM resources available in the company. They are required to design and manufacture product of high quality and that too in a very short span of time.
Skill-sets are needed in the areas of:
Concept Design/Product Styling
Engineering Design
Finite Element Analysis/Modeling
CNC/CAM Software
3D Reverse Engineering - Hardware/Software
Rapid Prototyping/Manufacturing/Tooling
3D Inspection/Metrology Reports/Quality Control
Our Training
We have our in-house efficient “Train-the-trainer” TEAM to fulfil the requirement of leading companies in India and abroad. We are offering CAD/CAM/CAE training to enable students/others to get “companies to achieve their business objectives by strengthening their Design and Development resources”.
Advanced Training Areas:
Concept Design/Styling
CNC/CAM Software
3D Reverse Engineering (Hardware/Software)
Rapid Prototyping/Manufacturing
Rapid Tooling/Bridge Tooling
3D Inspection (Hardware/Software)
CNC Engraving/2D Milling
CNC 3-axis Milling/Model/Mold Making
CNC 4-axis Machining/5-axis milling